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AdUX (XPAR:ALDUX) Profitability Rank : 3 (As of Jun. 2024)

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What is AdUX Profitability Rank?

AdUX has the Profitability Rank of 3. It has had trouble to make a profit.

GuruFocus Profitability Rank ranks how profitable a company is and how likely the company's business will stay that way. It is based on these factors:

1. Operating Margin %
2. Piotroski F-Score
3. Trend of the Operating Margin % (5-year average). The company with an uptrend profit margin has a higher rank.
4. Consistency of the profitability
5. Predictability Rank

AdUX's Operating Margin % for the quarter that ended in Jun. 2024 was 11.12%. As of today, AdUX's Piotroski F-Score is 6.

Competitive Comparison of AdUX's Profitability Rank

For the Advertising Agencies subindustry, AdUX's Profitability Rank, along with its competitors' market caps and Profitability Rank data, can be viewed below:

* Competitive companies are chosen from companies within the same industry, with headquarter located in same country, with closest market capitalization; x-axis shows the market cap, and y-axis shows the term value; the bigger the dot, the larger the market cap. Note that "N/A" values will not show up in the chart.

AdUX's Profitability Rank Distribution in the Media - Diversified Industry

For the Media - Diversified industry and Communication Services sector, AdUX's Profitability Rank distribution charts can be found below:

* The bar in red indicates where AdUX's Profitability Rank falls into.

AdUX Profitability Rank Calculation

GuruFocus Profitability Rank ranks how profitable a company is and how likely the company's business will stay that way.

The maximum rank is 10. A rank of 7 or higher means a higher profitability and may stay that way. A rank of 3 or lower indicates that the company has had trouble to make a profit.

AdUX has the Profitability Rank of 3. It has had trouble to make a profit.

Profitability Rank is not directly related to the Financial Strength. But if a company is consistently profitable, its financial strength will be stronger.

Profitability Rank is based on these factors:

1. Operating Margin %

Operating Margin % - also known as operating income margin, operating profit margin and return on sales (ROS) - is the ratio of Operating Income divided by net sales or Revenue, usually presented in percent.

AdUX's Operating Margin % for the quarter that ended in Jun. 2024 is calculated as:

Operating Margin %=Operating Income (Q: Jun. 2024 ) / Revenue (Q: Jun. 2024 )
=1.346 / 12.108
=11.12 %

* For Operating Data section: All numbers are indicated by the unit behind each term and all currency related amount are in USD.
* For other sections: All numbers are in millions except for per share data, ratio, and percentage. All currency related amount are indicated in the company's associated stock exchange currency.

2. Piotroski F-Score

The zones of discrimination were as such:

Good or high score = 8 or 9
Bad or low score = 0 or 1

AdUX has an F-score of 6 indicating the company's financial situation is typical for a stable company.

3. Trend of the Operating Margin % (5-year average). The company with an uptrend profit margin has a higher rank.

4. Consistency of the profitability

5. Predictability Rank

AdUX Profitability Rank Related Terms

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AdUX Business Description

Traded in Other Exchanges
6, Place du Colonel Bourgoin, Paris, FRA, 75012
AdUX SA is a digital media company. The company is engaged in providing advertising network services, online payment services and websites editing services to advertisers, publishers, and retailers. It has a geographical presence in European countries, the United States and Latin America.

AdUX Headlines

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