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Rawasi Albina Investment Co (SAU:9547) Beneish M-Score : 0.00 (As of Nov. 13, 2024)

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What is Rawasi Albina Investment Co Beneish M-Score?

The zones of discrimination for M-Score is as such:

An M-Score of equal or less than -1.78 suggests that the company is unlikely to be a manipulator.
An M-Score of greater than -1.78 signals that the company is likely to be a manipulator.

The historical rank and industry rank for Rawasi Albina Investment Co's Beneish M-Score or its related term are showing as below:

During the past 3 years, the highest Beneish M-Score of Rawasi Albina Investment Co was 0.00. The lowest was 0.00. And the median was 0.00.

Rawasi Albina Investment Co Beneish M-Score Historical Data

The historical data trend for Rawasi Albina Investment Co's Beneish M-Score can be seen below:

* For Operating Data section: All numbers are indicated by the unit behind each term and all currency related amount are in USD.
* For other sections: All numbers are in millions except for per share data, ratio, and percentage. All currency related amount are indicated in the company's associated stock exchange currency.

* Premium members only.

Rawasi Albina Investment Co Beneish M-Score Chart

Rawasi Albina Investment Co Annual Data
Trend Dec21 Dec22 Dec23
Beneish M-Score
- - -

Rawasi Albina Investment Co Semi-Annual Data
Dec21 Jun22 Dec22 Jun23 Dec23 Jun24
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Competitive Comparison of Rawasi Albina Investment Co's Beneish M-Score

For the Engineering & Construction subindustry, Rawasi Albina Investment Co's Beneish M-Score, along with its competitors' market caps and Beneish M-Score data, can be viewed below:

* Competitive companies are chosen from companies within the same industry, with headquarter located in same country, with closest market capitalization; x-axis shows the market cap, and y-axis shows the term value; the bigger the dot, the larger the market cap. Note that "N/A" values will not show up in the chart.

Rawasi Albina Investment Co's Beneish M-Score Distribution in the Construction Industry

For the Construction industry and Industrials sector, Rawasi Albina Investment Co's Beneish M-Score distribution charts can be found below:

* The bar in red indicates where Rawasi Albina Investment Co's Beneish M-Score falls into.

Rawasi Albina Investment Co Beneish M-Score Calculation

The M-score was created by Professor Messod Beneish. Instead of measuring the bankruptcy risk (Altman Z-Score) or business trend (Piotroski F-Score), M-score can be used to detect the risk of earnings manipulation. This is the original research paper on M-score.

The M-Score Variables:

The M-score of Rawasi Albina Investment Co for today is based on a combination of the following eight different indices:

M=-4.84+0.92 * DSRI+0.528 * GMI+0.404 * AQI+0.892 * SGI+0.115 * DEPI
=-4.84+0.92 * +0.528 * +0.404 * +0.892 * +0.115 *
-0.172 * SGAI+4.679 * TATA-0.327 * LVGI
-0.172 * +4.679 * -0.327 *

* For Operating Data section: All numbers are indicated by the unit behind each term and all currency related amount are in USD.
* For other sections: All numbers are in millions except for per share data, ratio, and percentage. All currency related amount are indicated in the company's associated stock exchange currency.

This Year (Dec23) TTM:Last Year (Dec22) TTM:
Total Receivables was ﷼131.0 Mil.
Revenue was ﷼164.2 Mil.
Gross Profit was ﷼42.5 Mil.
Total Current Assets was ﷼161.7 Mil.
Total Assets was ﷼210.1 Mil.
Property, Plant and Equipment(Net PPE) was ﷼48.5 Mil.
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization(DDA) was ﷼0.0 Mil.
Selling, General, & Admin. Expense(SGA) was ﷼0.0 Mil.
Total Current Liabilities was ﷼59.5 Mil.
Long-Term Debt & Capital Lease Obligation was ﷼9.0 Mil.
Net Income was ﷼22.7 Mil.
Gross Profit was ﷼0.0 Mil.
Cash Flow from Operations was ﷼2.9 Mil.
Total Receivables was ﷼88.8 Mil.
Revenue was ﷼135.2 Mil.
Gross Profit was ﷼37.5 Mil.
Total Current Assets was ﷼135.6 Mil.
Total Assets was ﷼180.9 Mil.
Property, Plant and Equipment(Net PPE) was ﷼45.3 Mil.
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization(DDA) was ﷼4.4 Mil.
Selling, General, & Admin. Expense(SGA) was ﷼6.5 Mil.
Total Current Liabilities was ﷼52.8 Mil.
Long-Term Debt & Capital Lease Obligation was ﷼9.2 Mil.

1. DSRI = Days Sales in Receivables Index

Measured as the ratio of Revenue in Total Receivables in year t to year t-1.

A large increase in DSR could be indicative of revenue inflation.

DSRI=(Receivables_t / Revenue_t) / (Receivables_t-1 / Revenue_t-1)
=(131.047 / 164.24) / (88.831 / 135.221)
=0.797899 / 0.656932

2. GMI = Gross Margin Index

Measured as the ratio of gross margin in year t-1 to gross margin in year t.

Gross margin has deteriorated when this index is above 1. A firm with poorer prospects is more likely to manipulate earnings.

GMI=GrossMargin_t-1 / GrossMargin_t
=(GrossProfit_t-1 / Revenue_t-1) / (GrossProfit_t / Revenue_t)
=(37.545 / 135.221) / (42.499 / 164.24)
=0.277657 / 0.258762

3. AQI = Asset Quality Index

AQI is the ratio of asset quality in year t to year t-1.

Asset quality is measured as the ratio of non-current assets other than Property, Plant and Equipment to Total Assets.

AQI=(1 - (CurrentAssets_t + PPE_t) / TotalAssets_t) / (1 - (CurrentAssets_t-1 + PPE_t-1) / TotalAssets_t-1)
=(1 - (161.666 + 48.466) / 210.132) / (1 - (135.579 + 45.301) / 180.88)
=0 / 0

4. SGI = Sales Growth Index

Ratio of Revenue in year t to sales in year t-1.

Sales growth is not itself a measure of manipulation. However, growth companies are likely to find themselves under pressure to manipulate in order to keep up appearances.

SGI=Sales_t / Sales_t-1
=Revenue_t / Revenue_t-1
=164.24 / 135.221

5. DEPI = Depreciation Index

Measured as the ratio of the rate of Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization in year t-1 to the corresponding rate in year t.

DEPI greater than 1 indicates that assets are being depreciated at a slower rate. This suggests that the firm might be revising useful asset life assumptions upwards, or adopting a new method that is income friendly.

DEPI=(Depreciation_t-1 / (Depreciaton_t-1 + PPE_t-1)) / (Depreciation_t / (Depreciaton_t + PPE_t))
=(4.389 / (4.389 + 45.301)) / (0 / (0 + 48.466))
=0.088328 / 0

Note: If the Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization data is not available, we assume that the depreciation rate is constant and set the Depreciation Index to 1.

6. SGAI = Sales, General and Administrative expenses Index

The ratio of Selling, General, & Admin. Expense(SGA) to Sales in year t relative to year t-1.

SGA expenses index > 1 means that the company is becoming less efficient in generate sales.

SGAI=(SGA_t / Sales_t) / (SGA_t-1 /Sales_t-1)
=(0 / 164.24) / (6.549 / 135.221)
=0 / 0.048432

7. LVGI = Leverage Index

The ratio of total debt to Total Assets in year t relative to yeat t-1.

An LVGI > 1 indicates an increase in leverage

LVGI=((LTD_t + CurrentLiabilities_t) / TotalAssets_t) / ((LTD_t-1 + CurrentLiabilities_t-1) / TotalAssets_t-1)
=((8.951 + 59.521) / 210.132) / ((9.203 + 52.824) / 180.88)
=0.325852 / 0.342918

8. TATA = Total Accruals to Total Assets

Total accruals calculated as the change in working capital accounts other than cash less depreciation.

TATA=(IncomefromContinuingOperations_t - CashFlowsfromOperations_t) / TotalAssets_t
=(NetIncome_t - NonOperatingIncome_t - CashFlowsfromOperations_t) / TotalAssets_t
=(22.687 - 0 - 2.854) / 210.132

An M-Score of equal or less than -1.78 suggests that the company is unlikely to be a manipulator. An M-Score of greater than -1.78 signals that the company is likely to be a manipulator.

Rawasi Albina Investment Co Beneish M-Score Related Terms

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Rawasi Albina Investment Co Business Description

Traded in Other Exchanges
King Fahad Road, Olaya Avenue Building 2nd Floor, Riyadh, SAU
Rawasi Albina Investment Co is a telecommunications management consulting, technology services-based company. Its services include GSM Civil New Sites, IBS Installation, FTTH, OSP, Power Project, Materials Supply, Operation & Maintenance, Telecom Implementation, and Rehabilitation Project. It provides construction and repair of roads, streets, pests and roads, construction and erection of electrical power stations and transformers, construction and erection of communication and radar stations and towers, extension of electrical wires, extension of electrical wires of communications, network extensions, installation of lighting systems, where the company's business is focused on infrastructure projects in the electricity, telecommunications and water sectors.

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