Bruker Corp’s share price is €56.92. Its GF Value is €85.75. Based on the relationship between the current stock price and the GF Value, GuruFocus believes Bruker Corp stock is .
The GF Value represents the current intrinsic value of a stock derived from our proprietary algorithm. It is based primarily on the historical multiples of where the stocks have been traded and the future growth of the business, adjusted for the past returns and growth. The GF Value has been verified by backtesting and daily updated model portfolios.
In addition to considering the current valuation, the growth potential of a company's value is equally important. Companies with faster growth rates tend to increase their value more quickly. Therefore, it's essential to look at the Price-to-Future GF Value ratios as well. The results are shown below:
Price: €56.92 | GF Value | Price/GF Value | ||
Current | €85.75 | 0.66 | ||
Next FY1 End | €85.44 | 0.67 | ||
Next 12 Month | €92.13 | 0.62 | ||
Next FY2 End | €91.64 | 0.62 |
GuruFocus performed a correlation analysis comparing Bruker Corp's stock price with key financial metrics: revenue per share, book value per share, EPS without NRI, and operating cash flow per share.
The analysis reveals the strongest correlation between Bruker Corp's stock price and Earnings without NRI per share, with a coefficient of 76%. This is followed by a 64% correlation with Revenue per share. Bruker Corp’s stock price shows no significant correlation with Book Value per share. Bruker Corp’s stock price shows no significant correlation with Operating Cash Flow per share.