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MDB (MongoDB) Growth Rank : 10 (As of Oct. 31, 2024)

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What is MongoDB Growth Rank?

MongoDB has the Growth Rank of 10.

GuruFocus Growth Rank measures the growth of a company in terms of its revenue and profitability. Historically, the companies with the highest growth ranks performed the best over the long term. It is calculated using the following criteria:

1. 5-year revenue growth rate, the higher, the better.
2. 3-year revenue growth rate, the higher, the better.
3. 5-year EBITDA growth rate, the higher, the better.
4. The predictability of 5-year revenue. The most consistent it is, the higher the rank.

GuruFocus found that the Growth Rank is the second of the two most-sensitive parameters among the five parameters checked. Please click GF Score to see more details on GF Score's 5 Key Aspects of Analysis.

Please note that we are using the five-year EBITDA growth rate as a parameter, so the company needs to have had positive growth over that time. The reason we use EBITDA instead of earnings per share is that with EBITDA, we can rank a lot more companies since a company may have positive EBITDA but negative EPS. Since we are looking at the growth here, EBITDA gives us a pretty clear picture about the growth in the company's business operations.

Competitive Comparison of MongoDB's Growth Rank

For the Software - Infrastructure subindustry, MongoDB's Growth Rank, along with its competitors' market caps and Growth Rank data, can be viewed below:

* Competitive companies are chosen from companies within the same industry, with headquarter located in same country, with closest market capitalization; x-axis shows the market cap, and y-axis shows the term value; the bigger the dot, the larger the market cap. Note that "N/A" values will not show up in the chart.

MongoDB's Growth Rank Distribution in the Software Industry

For the Software industry and Technology sector, MongoDB's Growth Rank distribution charts can be found below:

* The bar in red indicates where MongoDB's Growth Rank falls into.

MongoDB Growth Rank Related Terms

Thank you for viewing the detailed overview of MongoDB's Growth Rank provided by Please click on the following links to see related term pages.

MongoDB Business Description

Traded in Other Exchanges
1633 Broadway, 38th Floor, New York, NY, USA, 10019
Founded in 2007, MongoDB is a document-oriented database with nearly 33,000 paying customers and well past 1.5 million free users. MongoDB provides both licenses as well as subscriptions as a service for its NoSQL database. MongoDB's database is compatible with all major programming languages and is capable of being deployed for a variety of use cases.
Hope F Cochran director C/O HASBRO, INC., 1011 NEWPORT AVENUE, PAWTUCKET RI 02861
Dwight A Merriman director C/O MONGODB, INC., 229 WEST 43RD STREET, 5TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10036
Michael Lawrence Gordon officer: Chief Financial Officer C/O MONGODB, INC., 1633 BROADWAY, 38TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10019
Cedric Pech officer: Chief Revenue Officer C/O MONGODB, INC., 1633 BROADWAY, 38TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10019
Thomas Bull officer: Principal Accounting Officer C/O MONGODB, INC., 1633 BROADWAY, 38TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10019
Dev Ittycheria director, officer: President & CEO C/O MONGO DB, INC., 1633 BROADWAY, 38TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10019
Archana Agrawal director C/O MONGODB, INC., 1633 BROADWAY, 38TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10019
John Dennis Mcmahon director C/O BLADELOGIC, INC., 10 MAGUIRE STREET, BUILDING 3, LEXINGTON MA 02421
Roelof Botha director, 10 percent owner C/O SEQUOIA CAPITAL, 2800 SAND HILL RD, SUITE 101, MENLO PARK CA 94025
Mark Porter director C/O MONGODB, INC., 1633 BROADWAY, 38TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10019
Hazard Charles M Jr director, 10 percent owner 136 SUDBURY ROAD, WESTON MA 02493
Eliot Horowitz director, officer: Chief Technology Officer C/O MONGODB, INC., 1633 BROADWAY, 38TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10019
Francisco Dsouza director 500 GLENPOINTE CENTRE W, TEANECK NJ 07666
Kevin P Ryan director C/O MONGODB, INC., 1633 BROADWAY, 38TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10019
Meagen Eisenberg officer: Chief Marketing Officer C/O MONGO DB, INC., 1633 BROADWAY, 38TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10019

MongoDB Headlines

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