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Discussion Board

The feature allows users to discuss their favorite stocks

The GuruFocus Discussion Board allows users to share thoughts on their favorite stocks, ask questions and provide feedback to GuruFocus.

You can access the Discussion Board from the “Tools” menu. This straightforward approach takes you to the list of discussions, where you can create new topics or participate in any of the existing conversations.


You can also access the latest discussions from the GuruFocus homepage. The "GuruFocus Community" predefined dashboard template includes the Discussion Board widget, allowing you to view the latest discussions.


Click on the "New Topic" button to open a new discussion.


You can also view discussions directly on the stock summary pages. Click on the blue "pencil" icon to open the sidebar containing the Notes and Discussions section.


When you participate in the discussions here, it will also appear on the list of threads.


The Discussion Board also features:

  1. Notifications: If you participate in a thread, you will be notified when there are new replies.
  2. Anti-spam filter: We applied an anti-spam algorithm to prevent unwanted comments.
  3. Categories: We divided the forum into different categories. You can select the category of your post when you publish a new thread.
  4. Tagged stocks: If you post from the sidebar on the stock Summary page, the thread is tagged with the stock’s ticker.

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