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AI-driven insights from SEC filings for smarter stock market decisions


We are thrilled to announce the release of GuruGPT (beta version), a natural language chatbot designed to answer stock-related questions using SEC 10-K filings as context. GuruGPT helps you save time by providing quick answers to your questions, eliminating the need to read through lengthy documents.

How to use GuruGPT

You can access GuruGPT by clicking here or by navigating to the header menu: Home -> GuruGPT. To use GuruGPT, you need to log in first.


Enter your question in the input box at the bottom of the page. Use Shift + Enter to create a new line, if needed. Press Enter or click the Send button on the right to submit your question to GuruGPT. You can also explore example questions by clicking on them.


GuruGPT will provide a response within a few seconds or tens of seconds, depending on the complexity of the question. The response will include the source data used to generate the reply. For example, if you ask, "What are the sources of Apple's (AAPL) revenue and how much are they in 2022?" GuruGPT will provide an accurate answer and reference the source as "AAPL 10K SEC Filing."


If you believe there is an error in the response, you can provide feedback by clicking the "thumbs down" icon in the top-right corner of the response.

Key features of GuruGPT

GuruGPT utilizes the powerful GPT-3.5 language model and incorporates stock reports, such as 10-K SEC filings, to provide informed answers to your questions. Currently, GuruGPT covers the top 100 market cap S&P 500 stocks and works best for questions related to a single stock. We plan to expand our coverage and incorporate more stock data sources in the future. Please note that GuruGPT does not have access to chat history or previous conversations. To ensure the best user experience, provide all relevant information and context within each message.

GuruGPT vs ChatGPT

The primary advantage of GuruGPT is its access to real-time data from the most recent 10-K SEC filings. In contrast, ChatGPT's knowledge is limited to information available before September 2021, and it has limited stock data. GuruGPT's access to the latest financial filings allows it to generate more accurate and up-to-date responses.


As demonstrated in the image above, ChatGPT frequently begins its responses with "As an AI language model, I do not have access to future data beyond my knowledge cutoff of September 2021..." This limitation arises from ChatGPT's knowledge base, which only extends up to September 2021 and contains limited information about stocks. In contrast, GuruGPT is continuously updated with the most recent 10-K SEC filings, providing a more comprehensive understanding of stocks and financial analysis.

Use cases and benefits

For the most accurate responses, provide the stock or company name and a time range in your question. Examples of clear questions include:

  • What are sources of Apple's revenue and how much are they in 2022?
  • What are TSLA's key competitive advantages?
  • What are HD's future plans or goals?

Unclear questions or those with outdated company names may result in inaccurate responses. For instance:

  • What are Facebook’s key competitive advantages? (Use "Meta" (META) instead of "Facebook")
  • What is the company's total revenue for the fiscal year? (missing ticker name)

Usage limitations

Free user: 10 questions in total

Premium: 50 questions daily

Premium Plus & Professional: Unlimited


GuruGPT offers a powerful artificial intelligence-driven solution for quickly obtaining stock-related information from 10-K SEC filings. Its ability to analyze the latest financial data sets it apart from other chatbots, making it an invaluable tool for investors and financial professionals. Give GuruGPT a try and let it help you make more informed decisions about the market.

As we continue to strive for excellence and innovation, we encourage all GuruFocus users to try out the GuruGPT feature and experience its powerful capabilities firsthand. We value your feedback and suggestions, as they help us refine and improve our offerings. If you encounter any issues or have ideas for further enhancements, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your input is crucial to our ongoing commitment to providing the best possible tools and user experience. Together, we can continue to make GuruFocus the premier destination for market analysis and investment insights.

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