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User Portfolio Template

Users can track their own portfolio in Google Sheets

GuruFocus is proud to announce that users can access a few premade templates for the new Google Sheets add-on, including the User Portfolio Template that allows users to track their portfolio.


To access the templates, please first install the Google Sheets add-on and download the templates using the steps outlined in the Quick Start Guide.


In each input row highlighted in Figure 1, enter the stock ticker symbol in Column A, the date purchased in Column B and the cost per share in Column C. Do not change the formulas in the other cells.


Figure 1

You can add additional rows to the portfolio by right-clicking one of the input rows and then clicking either the Insert 1 Row Above button or the Insert 1 Row Below button. Figure 2 illustrates the “Insert Rows” menu.


Figure 2

You can add additional financial columns to the right, starting with Column M. Figure 3 illustrates the “Add Additional Financial Columns” section.


Figure 3

If you have any questions about our Google Sheets feature, please contact us. Users can also book a demo of the Google Sheets feature by clicking on the “Book a Demo” button as Figure 4 illustrates.


Figure 4

Users can also try other premade templates, including the stock summary template, the DCF Calculator Template and the historical financial charts templates.

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