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Earnings Call Transcripts

Transcripts Data from Refinitiv to GuruFocus Membership

GuruFocus is pleased to announce the integration of transcripts data from Refinitiv, covering global markets. This new feature, already available for U.S. transcripts and soon for other exchanges, is designed to enhance the resources available to our members.


About the New Feature

Through our partnership with Refinitiv, we now offer access to a comprehensive range of transcripts, including earnings calls and other public company events. This initiative is part of our commitment to providing valuable tools for investment research. An example of this new offering can be seen on our Tesla transcripts page.

The Importance of Transcripts for Investors

Transcripts are a critical tool for value investors, offering direct insights from company executives. They provide details beyond financial figures, including strategic directions and managerial tone, which are essential for thorough investment analysis. By incorporating transcripts into the research process, investors can make more informed decisions.

Updates and Coverage

The transcripts data will be regularly updated to ensure members have access to the latest information from public company events around the world. This feature supports our goal to keep members informed with comprehensive data.

Enhancing GuruFocus Membership

The addition of Refinitiv's transcripts data complements the existing features of GuruFocus membership. It provides another layer of depth to the platform, allowing members to conduct more detailed research and analysis.

Feedback and Suggestions

As we roll out and expand this feature, we encourage members to explore the new transcripts data and share their feedback. Your input will help us improve and tailor GuruFocus to better meet your investment research needs.

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