May 01, 2024 / 12:00PM GMT
May 01, 2024 / 12:00PM GMT
Corporate Participants
* Stuart Gall
Intelligent Ultrasound Group PLC - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
* Helen Jones
Intelligent Ultrasound Group PLC - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director, Company Secretary
Good afternoon and welcome to the Intelligent Ultrasound Group PLC full-year results investor presentation. (Operator Instructions) I'd now like to hand you over to Stuart Gall, CEO. Good afternoon.
Stuart Gall - Intelligent Ultrasound Group PLC - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
Thank you, Paul, and welcome to our annual results so we split this into two sections, I will be taking you through the first bit general summary of the business, how we're doing, and then I'll be passing over to Helen, who will take you through the numbers in detail.
Okay. So just a reminder for people that don't know is what we do. We are a specialist ultrasound
Full Year 2023 Intelligent Ultrasound Group PLC Earnings Presentation Transcript
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