GuruFocus Model Portfolios Rebalanced For 2014

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Jan 02, 2014

We have performed our once-a-year rebalance for all model portfolios. Many of our subscribers invest in our Model Portfolio in their retirement accounts. If you are one of them, please rebalance accordingly. If you ever thought of investing in our model portfolio portfolios, now is the best time.
Here are the summary of the performances of GuruFocus Value Strategies.

Year S&P 500 Buffett-Munger Screener top 25 Top 25 Undervalued Predictable Companies Top 25 Historical Low P/S Ratio Companies Top 25 Historical Low P/B Ratio Companies
2009 24.71% 28.65% 55.72% Â Â
2010 11.65% 19.54% 20.17% 19.05% 16.39%
2011 -0% 6.01% -3.32% -2.01% -1.87%
2012 12.1% 11.01% 3.95% 16.34% 16.45%
2013 31.8% 30.37% 24.81% 29.6% 33.18%

Among the GuruFocus Value Strategies, the best performing portfolio is Top 25 Historical Low P/B Ratio Companies. This portfolio invests in companies that are traded at historical low P/B ratios and outperformed the market by about 1.4%. Since inception in 2010, this portfolio outperformed the market by 2% a year.

Buffett-Munger Strategy underperformed slightly again in 2013. Since inception in 2009, the portfolio outperformed the S&P500 by 36.22%. Since Jan. 2009, S&P 500 gained about 15.4% a year. Buffett-Munger portfolio averaged 19.3% a year, an outperformance of almost 4% a year.
Buffett-Munger portfolio invests in high quality companies at reasonable prices. It is not surprising that the portfolio underperformed in 2013 as low quality stocks generally outperformed.

We have also created Buffett-Munger portfolios for international stock markets. These portfolios will be released and they are for GuruFocus Global Members.

GuruFocus founder Dr. Charlie Tian invests his own money in Buffett-Munger model portfolio.

The best performing Guru Strategies in 2013 is Guru Bargains Portfolio, which gained 58% in 2013. Guru Bargain Portfolios invests in companies that Gurus have bought and have dropped in prices. It is helped tremendously by the holdings like Best Buy (BBY, Financial) and Herb Life (HRB, Financial). We would like to point out that when we try to rebalance the portfolio by 2014, we couldn’t find any bargains to replace the existing ones. So this portfolio is not updated.

Guru Consensus Portfolio did well, too. It gained 47.7%. This portfolio invests in the consensus picks of Gurus. It has done extremely well in 2013.

To understand how to follow GuruFocus model portfolios and invest in them, please go to:
1. A Do-It-Youself Guide on How to Invest Using Guru Strategies
2. A Do-It-Youself Guide on How to Invest with Value Strategies

Again, now is the best time to invest in GuruFocus model portfolios. Premium Membership is required to gain access to these strategies. If you are not a Premium Member, we invite you for a 7-day Free Trial.