Is it Time to Move to CASSH?

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Feb 15, 2012
Maybe not quite, but it IS time to make room for a new acronym in your life: CASSH, or Canada, Australia, Singapore, Switzerland, and Hong Kong, represents (according to BlackRock) a “safer haven” in a world of economic turmoil. Think of these countries as the Anti-PIIGS, abound with hidden value opportunities rather than rioting and debt defaults (call them what you will). H/T Barry Ritholtz for the awesome infographic below.

One (not quite minor) complaint I have is that Hong Kong and Australia have excessive exposure to China, which itself is suffering from severe, under-reported economic fragility. Canada’s reliance on commodities also comes with risky exposure to China, to say nothing of the country’s ridiculously bubbly housing market.

What do you think of the CASSH? (click the image below for the gigantic version)


Author Disclosure: Resident of Hong Kong, Citizen of Canada