Aperio Group, LLC

Aperio Group, LLC
Last update 2021-02-05 2424 Stocks (113 new)
Value $33.75 Bil Turnover 3 %
Portfolio Report

Aperio Group, LLC Profile

Aperio Group is an investment management company that is owned by its employees. The company was founded in 1999 and is based out of Sausalito, California. Aperio Group utilizes a quantitative analysis to make its investment decisions, investing in various public equity markets on a global scale. The company provides a variety of products and services including active tax management, factor tilts, and socially responsible indexing, benchmarking its progress against the Russell 3000 Return index. The firm utilizes a variety of evaluation methods including expected returns, correlations, standard deviations, and historical analysis to make its investments and uses specialized software for its strategy management. Aperio Group invests in a variety of sectors including finance, which alone makes up approximately a fifth of its total asset allocations, information technology, health care, consumer discretionary, consumer staples, utilities and telecommunications, industrials, and energy, among other sectors to a lesser degree, in order of decreasing allocation. The company currently has 40 employees with 14 of them being investment professionals. Aperio Group currently has over $10 billion in total assets under management spread across over 1,800 accounts, all of which are discretionary. Both of the firm’s total number of accounts and total assets under management have increased significantly in recent years, with its total number of accounts increasing from under 400 five years ago to well over four times that amount today and its total assets under management experience a tenfold growth from under $1 billion back in 2010 to its current amount today. The company caters to a variety of clients, mainly focusing on high net worth individuals and investment advisors, each making up over a third of its clientele. Aperio Group’s list of products currently includes its US Large Cap, Developed World, Global, Domestic Quality, Global Minimum Volatility Value Tilted, Broadbased SRI, and Environmental Impact products.
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