Neuberger Berman Group LLC

Neuberger Berman Group LLC
Last update 2024-05-13 1817 Stocks (97 new)
Value $120.95 Bil Turnover 7 %
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Neuberger Berman Group LLC Profile

Neuberger Berman Group is the large organization that holds a variety of copmanies such as Neuberger Berman Holdings LLC, Neuberger Berman LLC, and Neuberger Berman AA LLC. The company acts as a private investment management firm that is completely employee owned, managing equities, fixed income, private equity, and hedge fund portfolios. The company was originally created under the name Neuberger & Berman in 1939 by founders Roy R. Neuberger and Robert Berman. The company would see steady growth that followed industry trends, establishing the Guardian Fund in 1950 that was one of the first no-load mutual funds in the United States. In the 1960s, the firm would expand its businesses, adding services such as the management of pension plans and institutional assets. Neuberger Berman would have its IPO just before the new millennia in 1999, trading under NEU on NYSE. Larry Zicklin would retire then as chairman and would be succeeded by Jeffrey Lane. The firm, with access to greater capital, would then expand through mergers, acquiring companies such as Fasciano Fund, Executive Monetary Management, Oscar Capital Management and Delta Capital Management’s private management division. The company would then be acquired by Lehman Brothers in 2003, operating as an asset manager under Lehman Brothers’ Investment Management Division. Neuberger Berman would become independent in 2009 when Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and the firm management managed to win the bankruptcy auction to spin itself off as Neuberger Berman Group. Since then, Neuberger Berman Group has grown and expanded, increasing its assets to reach over a quarter trillion and expanding its businesses to include emerging markets debt, high yield bonds, and private equity, among others. Today the company employs over 2000 employees serving institutional investors, advisors, and high net worth individuals on a global scale. Some of the firm’s notable funds include its Absolute Return Multi-Manager Fund, Equity Income Fund, International Equity Fund, and Intrinsic Value Fund.
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