KAMES CAPITAL management Ltd

KAMES CAPITAL management Ltd
Last update 2014-08-29 164 Stocks (26 new)
Value $3.16 Bil Turnover 20 %
Top Holdings: undefined(undefined%)
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KAMES CAPITAL management Ltd Profile

Kames Capital Management Ltd. is an investment management company based out of Edinburgh and London. The company, until recently, was known as AEGON Asset Management UK. The rebranding of the company into Kames Capital Management reflects its efforts to “build recognition in chosen markets while differentiating our capabilities from other companies within the AEGON group. Kames Capital Management can trace its history back to the formation of Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society in 1931. The company would have no direct relations with AEOGON NV until 1994, when Scottish Equitable Life Assurance decided to sell 40% of its stake to AEGON. Four years later, Scottish Equitable Asset Management would be established as a dedicated investment business with AEGON having a 100% stake in Scottish Equitable. In 2001, the Scottish Equitable Asset Management name would be discarded in favor of AEGON Asset Management and, a decade later, this name would, in turn, be discarded in favor of its current Kames Capital Management. The company currently operates with a executive committee made up of five people with Martin Davis acting as the CEO and Stephen Jones acting as the CIO. Kames Capital Management invests most heavily in the information technology sector, which alone makes up almost a quarter of its total asset allocations, and also invests in the finance, health care, consumer discretionary, consumer staples, industrials, and energy sectors, among other sectors such as materials and transports to a lesser degree, in order of decreasing allocation. The company currently manages over 75 billion euros and has a diverse clientele on a global scale. Kames Capital Management offers a variety of strategies including its Absolute Return Bond Fund, High Yield Bond Fund, Strategic Bond Fund, Global Equity Fund, Property Income Fund, Ethical Cautious Managed Fund, UK Opportunities Fund and Diversified Growth Funds, among others.
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