Greystone Managed Investments Inc.

Greystone Managed Investments Inc.
Last update 2019-11-06 94 Stocks (3 new)
Value $1.65 Bil Turnover 2 %
Portfolio Report

Greystone Managed Investments Inc. Profile

Greystone Managed Investments Inc. is an investment management firm based out of Saskatchewan, Canada. The firm is employee owned with ownership split amongst employees. Greystone Managed Investments was established in 1988 and is currently headed by CEO and CIO Robert L. Vanderhooft. The firm operates as a subsidiary of its parent company Greystone Capital Management Inc. and has grown from its inception to now have offices in Toronto, Winnipeg, and Hong Kong. Greystone Managed Investments holds over $32 billion in total assets under management from large pension funds, small businesses, charities, corporations, trusts, insurance companies, workers’ compensation programs, private foundations, religious order, universities, and trade unions. The majority of its business comes from pensions, which alone makes up approximately two thirds of its managed assets. Greystone Managed Investments allocates its assets in a variety of asset classes including fixed income, its highest allocation which amounts to over a third of its total allocations, real estate, Canadian equity, mortgages, U.S. Equity, and Canadian income and growth, among other asset classes to a lesser degree. The company conducts its research internally and invests in the public equity and fixed income markets on a global scale. Greystone Managed Investments utilizes a fundamental, quantitative, and technical combined methodology to make its investment decisions, allocating its assets through bottom up and top down approaches in the growth stocks of selected companies. The company benchmarks its various fixed income, focused equity, and balanced portfolios against DEX Universe Bond, Russell 1000 Growth, and other indexes. Greystone Managed Investments invests most heavily in the finance sector, which alone makes up almost a third of its total asset allocations, and the firm also invests in the energy, health care, information technology, transports, consumer discretionary, materials, utilities and telecommunications, and real estate sectors, among others to a lesser degree, in order of decreasing allocation.
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